Experience to conquer Pha Luong mountain peak in Son La

It is an attractive destination for young people who love to explore. Conquering Pha Luong requires health and courage of participants. Besides, visitors should choose the right time to have an unforgettable memory.

Conquering Mount Pha Luong

The right time to conquer Pha Luong – the roof of Moc Chau, Son La

You can climb Mount Pha Luong on any days of the year, except rainy days when the road is quite slippery. The most appropriate time is in the dry season, especially from February to March (early spring).

Conquering Mount Pha LuongSea of ​​clouds on top of Pha Luong

It usually takes about two days to explore Pha Luong, so you can make use of your weekends. You should start the night before to come to Moc Chau early in the morning.

Conquering Mount Pha Luong

Transportation to Pha Luong Moc Chau

First, you move to Moc Chau first. This place is more than 180km from Hanoi city. Guests can choose to travel by bus with prices from 130,000 – 180,000 VND / way to save time and energy. There is also another way to travel by motorbike, but remember to prepare all kinds of protective gears to make the trip go smoothly.

Walk in groups

Motorbikes are the transportation which has the highest number of travelers choosing to use.  Using motorbike to travel to Moc Chau will bring you many new experiences and also new challenges. There are two ways to go to Moc Chau the 6-highway and old 6-highway. Although the old 6-highway is more difficult to go, it goes through Da river and Hoa Binh hydroelectricity – two famous destinations in Vietnam. Traveling bymotorbikes will be very convenient foryour movement in Moc Chau. But remember to check your motorbikes carefully before the trip in order not to meet any problems during the trip

What should be prepared ?

Climbers should wear climbing shoes or high-friction walking shoes. Bring medicines, lighters, a small knife, food, raincoats, plastic bags, … In particular, have to prepare a good health by regularly training the body before conquering Mount Pha Luong Moc Chau.

need to prepare all the items before starting the journey

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